Carpinteria Family School
*2024-2025 Calendar
*This calendar is a living document and subject to change
CFS Events are bold and italicized
CFS Parent Board meetings are the second Monday of each month, unless there is a holiday or school closure. Meetings are in Room 34 from 4-5:30pm. Everyone is welcome!
8/19, 9/9, 10/7 (first Monday), 11/4 (first Monday) , 12/9, 1/13, 2/10, 3/10, 4/14, 5/12, 6/9
8/19 CFS Parent Board Meeting, Rm 34, 4-5:30pm
8/20 CFS Beach Day Meet Up, 4th Beach, 3-6pm
8/21 Teacher Meet & Greet - TK/K 2 pm-3 pm & Grades 1-5 & popsicles 3 pm-4 pm
8/22 First day of school
9/2 Labor Day - No school
9/6 Picture Day
9/9 CFS Parent Board, Rm 34, 4-5:30pm
9/12 Back to School Night and CFS Dinner, 4:30-6:30pm
9/13 Make-up Picture Day in Cafe 7:30 am - 12 pm
9/15-10/15 Hispanic Heritage Month
9/21 Coastal Clean Up Day @ Jelly Bowl Beach
9/20 Coffee and Tea with Mr. Quintero Rm 1, 8 am- 9 am
9/23-9/26 Book Fair in the Cafeteria
October - Bullying Prevention Month
10/2 Custodial Appreciation Day!
10/7 (First Monday) CFS Parent Board Meeting, Rm 34, 4-5:30pm
10/9 Walk, Bike, and Roll Day
10/11-10/13 CFS Campout at El Capitan Canyon
10/14 No School, Staff Development Day
10/16 Family Picnic Lunch & Mariachi La Olas de Santa Barbara during regular lunchtimes
10/17 reclassification celebration @ 4pm Cafeteria TBD
10/18 Student Council Meeting
10/22 Board Mtg - 530pm/Carpinteria City Hall council chamber (5775 Carpinteria Ave)
10/23 - 10/31 Red Ribbon Week
10/24 Family Math Night 6-7
10/31 Halloween Parade 8:30 - info in campus docs
11/1 DLI meeting
11/1 Student Council Meeting
11/4 SSC Mtg 3-4pm Rm 1
11/3 CFS Art Reception and Party, Carp Arts Center, 3-5pm
11/4 (First Monday) CFS Parent Board Meeting, Rm 34, 4-5:30pm
11/6 Jog-A-Thon at El Carro Park
11/7 ELAC Meeting @ 6-7
11/8 Cascada de flores
11/11 Veterans Day Holiday
11/13 Board Mtg - 530pm/Carpinteria City Hall council chamber (5775 Carpinteria Ave)
11/15 Student Council Meeting
11/18-11/22 Parent Conferences
11/22 Coffee (and tea) with Principal Q 8-9 a.m. staff lounge
11/25-11/29 Thanksgiving Break
11/26 Board Mtg - 530pm/Carpinteria City Hall council chamber (5775 Carpinteria Ave)
12/6 Student Council Meeting 12-1230pm
12/7 Holiday Trolley 5-9 pm - CFS Organizes Crafts
12/9 CFS Parent Board Meeting, Rm 34, 4-5:30pm
12/10-12/12 Winter Store TUES:730-755am / 230-3 pm for TK-1st WED: 730-7:55am / 1-130pm for 2nd-3rd THURS: 730-755am / 230-3 pm for 4th - 5th
12/11 CFS Board Mtg 4 pm in a CFS classroom Rm 34 TBD
12/16/-12/20 Winter Wonderland Week
12/16 Michael Katz TK-2 8:30-9:15 & 3-5 9:30-10:15
12/17 Board Mtg - 530pm/Carpinteria City Hall council chamber (5775 Carpinteria Ave)
12/20 Student Council Meeting 12-1230pm in Rm 24
12/23-1/8 Winter Break
12/? CSF 4/5th Grade Winter Play
1/9 Student Council Meeting 12-1230pm in Rm 24
1 /8 -1/12 GATE referral testing Gr3-5 TBD
1/13 SSC Mtg 3-4pm Rm 1
1/13 CFS Parent Board Meeting, Rm 34, 4-5:30pm
1/14 Board Mtg - 530pm/Carpinteria City Hall council chamber (5775 Carpinteria Ave)
1/15 Site PLCs
1/16 ELAC Meeting @ 6 in MPR
1/17 Coffee (and tea) with Principal Quintero 8-9 a.m. staff lounge
1/20 Martin Luther King Jr. Day
1/24 Student Council Meeting 12-1230pm
1/27-1/31 The Great Kindness Challenge
1/27-1/31 GATE Referral testing and make-ups. Gr3-5
1/28 Board Mtg - 530pm/Carpinteria City Hall council chamber (5775 Carpinteria Ave)
1/29 Site PLCs
1/29 Chinese New Year
1/31 Student Council Meeting 12-1230pm
1/? CFS Gratitude Festival
February-Black History Month
2/3-2/7 National School Counseling Week
2/7 100th Day of School
2/5 -2/9 GATE Gr2 Universal screening TBD
2/10 CFS Parent Board Meeting, Rm 34, 4-5:30pm
2/11 Board Mtg - 530pm/Carpinteria City Hall council chamber (5775 Carpinteria Ave)
2/13 CFS Family Valentine’s Party- Karaoke and Dancing, Cafeteria, 5-7pm
2/14 Cate School's annual Community Engagement Day 9-12 pm TBD
2/14 & 2/17 No School
2/19 Family Picnic (popsicle sale)
2/20-2/23 GATE Gr2 Universal screening and make-ups TBD
2/21 Student Council Meeting 12-1230pm
2/25 Board Mtg - 530pm/Carpinteria City Hall council chamber (5775 Carpinteria Ave)
2/28 Campus Career Day
March - Women’s History Month
3/3 Read Across America TK-2 Mrs. Soto to update
3/3 SSC Mtg 3-4pm Rm 1
3/6 ELAC Meeting @ 6 in MPR
3/7 Student Council Meeting 12-1230pm in Rm 24
3 /4-3 /8 GATE Gr2 make-ups and Gr3-5 makeups TBD
3/5 9-10 am TK/Kinder Tours Canalino/CFS TBD
3/10 CFS Parent Board Meeting, Rm 34, 4-5:30pm
3/11 Board Mtg - 530pm/Carpinteria City Hall council chamber (5775 Carpinteria Ave)
3/11-3/15 3rd Grade Swimming 9-945am / 10-1045am TBD
3/14 Student Council Meeting 12-1230pm in Rm 24
3/14 Talent Show 8:15-9:15 & 9:30 - 10:30, Alcazar 6-7:30
3/17-3/21 Parent Conferences
3/18-3/22 3rd Grade Swimming 9-945am / 10-1045am TBD
3/24- 3/28 Spring Break
3/?- Begin play rehearsal with Meredith
3/? CFS Potluck and Musical Planning Meeting
4/2-4/4 Fifth Grade CIMI Trip - 4/3 Transportation picking up at 5:30 am / 4 /5 Transportation picking up from Long Beach at 1:30 pm
4/2 Paraprofessional Appreciation Day
4/4 School Librarian Day
4/4 Student Council Meeting 12-1230pm
4/8 Board Mtg - 530pm/Carpinteria City Hall council chamber (5775 Carpinteria Ave)
4/8 Tk/Kinder Tours at Aliso and Canalino from 9-10 am TBD
4/8 PFC General Meeting 5:30 with dinner and childcare TBD
4/11 5th Grade Panorama Picture 8:15-8:45 TBD
4/14 CFS Parent Board Meeting, Rm 34, 4-5:30pm
4/14-4/17 Book Fair
4/17 Open House, food and entertainment 5-6, classrooms 6-7
4/18 Fifth grade tour of CMS 8:15-10:30 TBD
4/18 Waterology Assembly @ 8:30am
4/18 Student Council Meeting 12-1230pm in Rm 24
4/22 Board Mtg - 530pm/Carpinteria City Hall council chamber (5775 Carpinteria Ave)
4/22 Earth Day
422-4/26 3rd Grade Swimming 9-945am / 10-1045am / 11-1145am TBD
4/23 Administrative Appreciation Day
4/25 Arbor Day
4/11 5th Grade Panoramic picture taken 830am blacktop TBD
May Mental Health Awareness Month
5/2 Student Council Meeting 12-1230pm in Rm 24
5/2 School Lunch Hero (lunch ladies) Day
5/5-5/9 Teacher Appreciation Week
5/7 Nurse Appreciation Day
5/9 Tk/Kinder Tours at Aliso and Canalino from 9-10 am TBD
5/12 SSC Mtg 3-4pm Rm 1
5/12 CFS Parent Board Meeting, Rm 34, 4-5:30pm
5/14 Family Picnic during regular lunch schedule
5/16 Coffee (and tea) with Principal Quintero 8-9 a.m. staff lounge
5/16 Student Council Meeting 12-1230pm
5/13 Board Mtg - 530pm/Carpinteria City Hall council chamber (5775 Carpinteria Ave)
5/19 Speech Pathologist Appreciation Day
5/15 Batalla de los libros 3-5 Grade at 1:15-4:00pm picnic tables TBD
5/26 Memorial Day - No School
5/27 Board Mtg - 530pm/Carpinteria City Hall council chamber (5775 Carpinteria Ave)
5/28 Site PLCs
5/30 Student Council Meeting 12-1230pm
5/? CFS Musical Performances
6/4 Aliso 5th Graders visiting Canalino/CFS 11-1230pm - Playing Kickball and Soccer and having Lunch 12noon TBD
6/6 CFS Fifth grade celebration/promotion 5-6pm TBD
6/6 Canalino Beach Day
6/? Imagine Ceremony
6/9 5th Grade Dance 1-230pm cafeteria TBD
6/? CFS Beach Day TBD
6/9 CFS Parent Board Meeting, Rm 34, 4-5:30pm
6/10 Staff versus 5th Kickball Game 1:00 TBD
6/10 Promotion Canalino 5th Grade 6-7p.m. @ CHS Amphitheater TBD
6/10 Board Mtg - 530pm/Carpinteria City Hall council chamber (5775 Carpinteria Ave)
6/11 Last Day of School, kinder graduation
6/24 Board Mtg - 530pm/Carpinteria City Hall council chamber (5775 Carpinteria Ave)
7/8 Board Mtg - 530pm/Carpinteria City Hall council chamber (5775 Carpinteria Ave)
Carpinteria Family School
2023-2024 Calendar
CFS Parent Board Meetings - all are welcome
Second Monday of each month. 4:00-5:00p.m. in teachers’ classrooms
September 11, October 9 (no school for students), November 6, December 11, January 8, February 12, March 11, April 8, May 13
8/21 First day of school; Boohoo/Yahoo Coffee at the K Gate
9/4 Labor Day - No school
9/6 Back to School Night 5:30-6:15 for grades 3-5; 6:15-7 for K-2 (adults only)
9/8 Coffee with Principal Persoon 8-9a.m. staff lounge
9/14 Picture Day
9/23 California Coastal Clean-Up Day 9-12 at Jelly Bowl
9/25-9/28 Book Fair
9/29 Assembly:Cascada de Flores music group
10/1 Carp Family School Art Reception and Bingo, 2-4p.m. (Carpinteria Arts Center)
10/4 Family Picnic Lunch during regular lunch times
10/4 Walk, Bike, and Roll Day
10/9 No School for students
10/13-15 Campout at Refugio
10/23 - 10/30 Red Ribbon Week
10/25 Family Math Night 6-7p.m.
10/27 Jog-A-Thon at El Carro Park
10/31 Halloween Parade 8:30a.m.
11/10 No School- Veterans’ Day Holiday
11/13-11/17 Parent Conferences
11/16 Family Math Night 6-7p.m.
11/17 Harvest Festival 8:30-1
11/17 Coffee with Principal Persoon 8-9a.m. staff lounge
11/20-11/24 No School- Thanksgiving Break
11/27 Assembly: Michael Katz, Storyteller
12/2 Holiday Trolley
12/11-12/15 Winter Wonderland Week
12/18-1/3 No School- Winter Break
1/12 Coffee with Principal Persoon 8-9a.m. staff lounge
1/15 No School - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
1/22-1/26 The Great Kindness Challenge
2/5 -2/9 National School Counseling Week
2/6 100th Day of School
2/9 College and Career Day
2/16 & 2/19 No School
2/21 Family Picnic, Popsicle Sale & Helmet Distribution
3/1 Read Across America
3/8 Coffee with Principal Persoon 8-9a.m. staff lounge
3/11 Women in History Monologues
3/15 Talent Show
3/18-3/22 Parent Conferences
3/25- 3/29 No school - Spring Break
4/3-4/5 Fifth Grade CIMI Trip
4/12 5th Grade Panoramic picture taken 8:30a.m. blacktop
4/18 Tk/K Tours
4/19 Assembly: Waterology
5/6-5/24 CAASPP testing
5/6-5/10 Teacher Appreciation Week
5/10 Coffee with Principal Persoon 8-9 a.m. staff lounge
5/15 Family Picnic during regular lunch schedule
5/20-5/23 Book Fair
5/23 TK/K Tours
5/23 Open House 6-7p.m.
5/27 No School - Memorial Day
5/31 K-2 Wheel Fun and 3-5 Imagine Ceremony (Canalino Beach Day)
5/31 5th Grade CFS Graduation
6/4 Field Day
6/5 CFS Beach Day
6/7 Last Day of School, kinder graduation
![Finding Nemo Jr.](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/635175fb33302d35bf4f81c3/1682276404438-7K2ASCGORYRJJ3849ZSK/finding_nemo_jr.png)
Finding Nemo Jr.
Online ticketing for Finding Nemo is closed. Tickets are available prior to the show!!
Thank you for supporting Carpinteria Family school! The money we raise supports many educational and enrichment programs
Our parent group (formally “CFS Family”) is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)3 charitable organization.
All donations are tax deductible
Tax ID #47-5324436